Friday, August 16, 2013


A comparison of US Midwest non-GM with GM corn shows shockingly high levels of glyphosate as well as formaldehyde, and severely depleted of mineral nutrients in the GM corn Dr Mae-Wan Ho
The results of a comparison of GM and non-GM corn from adjacent Midwest fields in the US that first appeared on the Moms Across America March website [1] are reproduced in Table 1.
Table 1   Comparison between GM and non-GM corn grown side by side*

Parts per million (ppm)
IngredientGM cornNon-GM corn

Calcium146 130

*The GM corn was grown in a field that has been no-till, continuous GM corn (Roundup Ready) for 5-10 years and with a glyphosate herbicide weed control regime for all of the 10 years. The Non-GM corn has not had glyphosate (or Roundup) applied to the field for at least five years. The GM corn test weight was 57.5 lb; and non-GMCorn test weight 61.5 lb.

As Zen Honeycutt, who posted the report commented, glyphosate, shown to be toxic at 1 ppm, is present at 13 ppm in the GM corn. Similarly, formaldehyde at 200 ppm is 200 times the level known to be toxic in animals.
The GM corn was also severely depleted in essential minerals: 14 ppm vs 6 130 ppm calcium; 2 ppm vs 113 ppm of magnesium; 2 ppm vs 14 ppm of manganese 3 ppm vs 44 ppm of phosphate, 3 ppm vs 42 ppm of sulphur, and so on.
It is not surprising that this analysis has been carried out independently; i.e., not by biotech companies. It was done by farmers themselves. The high level of glyphosate is bad enough. Scientific evidence on glyphosate accumulated over three decades documents miscarriages, birth defects, carcinogenesis, endocrine disruption, DNA damage, neurotoxicity, and toxicity to liver and kidney at levels well below recommended agricultural use (see our recent review [2] Why Glyphosate Should Be BannedSiS 56). The presence of formaldehyde – a genotoxic and neurotoxic poison at such enormous concentration – is totally unexpected.

More Energy, Trim & Fit Body, Healthy ACTIVE aging

Are you like most....? Yearning for:

 *** More Energy

 *** A Trim & Fit Body?

 *** Healthy ACTIVE aging?

Our story:

I can honestly tell you that Mike and I are answering "YES" to all of these questions!

We are saying "YES" these are important and "YES" we are achieving our goals of feeling; more energy, Trim & Fit & Healthy ACTIVE aging!

We spent years & years, lots & lots of money & tons & tons of effort trying to achieve these goals with sadly NO LUCK! I felt like we were spinning our wheels but achieving NOTHING! 

We dropped everything we were doing literally over night. I threw away all of our old vitamins, protein powders and more. We received our box of NEW products and went 100% on the program. We really thought; "what do we have to lose, nothing has worked". We are still "awestruck" at how well the program worked and continue to be amazed at our positive health results after over 2 years! :-)

So, what results am I talking about . . . ?
  • We both lost over 15 lbs.
  • Mike got off of Blood Pressure Medication  
  • My seasonal allergies are gone
  • We haven't needed Antibiotics
  • We rarely get colds & the ones we do get don't get us down
  • I ran 2 Full Marathons in 9 months after years of thinking running 3 miles was brutal
  • Mike is training for his 2nd Half Marathon - would have been impossible before, due to his severe knee & back pain
  • Mike's GI issues are GONE! Before: he was on daily Prilosec, Tumbs, Rolaids & more
  • Our clothes FIT Better! We even got to go clothes shopping for SMALLER clothes!
  • TRIM & FIT? YES!
  • Healthy ACTIVE aging? YES!
Yes, Shaklee was our answer, still is! :-) 

Click here -> for Tasha's Inspiring 180 Story!!! (only 1 minute)

How did we start?
  • I started with the shakes & vitamins for 4 months before taking 1 step of exercise, then I ran into the gym 15+ lbs lighter and with an abundant amount of energy! I began going on 7+ mile runs after only 3 months at the gym!

  • Mike was already in a routine of going to the gym but suffered from horrible indigestion & was taking blood pressure medication. He was thrilled to lose weight and no longer suffer from indigestion as well as getting off of his blood pressure prescription. 

Message me if you'd like a Free consultation!
No Obligation!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

August 2013 Newsletter & WHAT'S NEW!!!


Mike & I just returned home from the Shaklee Convention in Nashville! Wow, what a great town! We had a fantastic time visiting the Country Music Hall of Fame Museum, seeing a show at the Grand Ole Opry, traveling to Franklin & hang'n out in the Honky Tonk bars!! Best of all, we were refreshed to be amongst more than 5,000 like-minded, ambitious, incredible people who are all working towards the same goal of offering solutions to help others achieve their goals! We are happy to be back home with our two little monkeys who inspire us to create change in the world we live in! Every small act we all do, adds up to create a ripple effect that is unstoppable!

So, What's NEW???

NEW SHAKLEE 180 FLAVORS! - Vanilla Chai Smoothy mix & Toffee Chocolate Crunch snack bars - both YUMMY, YUMMY!!!

Let me know if you Dare to Dream to be on either of these 2 all expenses paid trips!  

  • Want to live to 100?
  • Antioxidants
  • Household tips - I Love these!!!
Have a Fantastic week!

To your Great Health!

Jackie Purcell
Shaklee Business Leader

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