What's Shaklee, Who's Roger Barnett

What is Shaklee? 

Shaklee is a person who lived from 1894-1985
  •  Dr. Forrest Shaklee Pioneered Vitamins 
(He extracted vitamins and minerals from food in 1915 to help create the 1st vitamin.)
  •  He Pioneered Biodegradable cleaners
 (He created Basic H in 1960 at the same time others were inventing chemicals and plastics.)
  •  He Pioneered Social Marketing
(Shaklee began in 1956 and Dr. Shaklee decided, instead of paying advertisers, retail outlets or third parties to get the word out about the products, he paid people for what they were going to do anyway “share an outstanding product that will bring better health to everyone they know”.) 
  •  Shaklee is the 1st company in the World to obtain Climate Neutral™ certification and totally offset their CO2 emissions, resulting in a net zero impact on the environment.
(Pioneer of Climate Neutral? Maybe not, but pretty close!)
Who is Roger Barnett?

Roger is an amazing family man and entrepreneur! 

I feel real comfortable around him and am inspired by him everyday! 

What is Shaklee by Roger Barnett:
We are REALLY Different! PRODUCTS ~ Natural, Safe & Proven Effective. That is REALLY difficult and we do it. We ALWAYS do what is RIGHT - No Matter WHAT the cost! VALUE ~ We REWARD you for the Value you create. IMPACT ~ We have an impact on the health of our families, communities and our planet. We are on our way to becoming the Largest Force for Positive Social Change in the WORLD! 

Please click, watch video(s) and give me your feedback below!

What Makes Shaklee Different video 2min. 40 sec.

Earth Day video  4 min. 13 sec.

American Dream video 4 min. 54 sec.

An Interview with Roger Barnett video 14 min. 54 sec.

Recipient of Acterra's 2009 Business Environmental Award video 3min. 36 sec.
This award is in the category of;
"Sustainability for it's environmental policies, 
climate neutral status, and 
social equity practices".

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