Monday, August 17, 2015

Dr. Forrest Shaklee

Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee - 1894-1985: Achiever in History

Two things propelled Dr. Shaklee to achieve: His belief in Nature’s ability to heal, and his belief in Thoughtsmanship.
Forrest C. Shaklee was born in November 1894 in Carlisle, Iowa. The midwife immediately diagnosed tuberculosis. Doctors later concurred and predicted he wouldn't live past eight years. The family moved from the soot and smoke of the Carlisle coal mines to northern Iowa. They believed the only treatment for tuberculosis was good food, fresh air, and lots of rest.
Most of Shaklee's childhood was spent convalescing. On sunny days he could be found outdoors observing nature. "Animals listen to the voice of nature," he realized, "while men have forgotten how." As a teenager, his doctors were satisfied that the tuberculosis was arrested, but he was frail in comparison to others his age. He began to exercise and study the relationship between the health of the body, general vitality, intelligence and good nutrition. His philosophy became one of active, positive thinking.
Shaklee read and was influenced by Bernarr MacFadden's teaching that "drugs often mask the symptom, without curing the disease." Forrest knew from years of observing nature that he wanted to treat people on a natural basis. He was very interested in the growing science of chiropractic care.
Shaklee enrolled in the Palmer School of Chiropractic where B.J. Palmer was at the helm.  Shaklee's admiration for Mr. Palmer was qualified by their disagreement over Palmer's obsession with the idea that chiropractic was the only useful treatment for physical disorders. At a time when such thinking was rare, Shaklee believed that a more encompassing system was needed to preserve an individual's health.
While at Palmer, he saw many patients who were undernourished and overfed. He believed poor nutrition could be a contributing cause of disease. He vowed to always be conscious of the importance of diet in maintaining health.
As Shaklee began his new practice he became more interested in the field of nutrition, then in its infancy. He read everything he could and corresponded with biochemists and other scientists doing ground-breaking research in the field. In his search for the "life force" in food, Shaklee produced the world's first food supplement in 1915. He didn't know what to call it. "Vitalized Minerals" is what he decided on and its present name is now "Liqui-Lea." His colleague, Dr. Cashmere Funk, "discovered vitamins" soon after.
In 1917 Shaklee moved to Fort Dodge, Iowa and opened a facility that incorporated various specialties of medicine. In addition to a 15-bed sanatorium, the offices contained 32 treatment rooms. He hired not only chiropractors but osteopaths, internists, general practitioners and surgeons. Shaklee kept his patients on vitamin-rich diets. The clinic soon became busy and prosperous.
In addition to serving as administrator of his clinic, Shaklee spent a great deal of time in the new field of X-ray diagnosis. The hazards of excessive exposure were not fully known at that time. In 1921 he was concerned about severe ulcerating burns on his left hip and left shoulder. Shaklee consulted a cancer specialist in Chicago who determined it was cancer. It was hoped the carcinoma would be halted if his left arm and leg were amputated.
The diagnosis was confirmed at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. He was a bright young doctor with a wife, one son, and another child on the way. Faced with the promise of a short life as an amputee, he pondered his future.
"I will live. I will heal," he told his wife. "I know I can do it." With no other choice, he bet his life on the healing power of nature. Within a few weeks he sold the clinic and began an intensive program of nutrition, continual blood analysis, and occasional fasting. He ate only the freshest fruits and vegetables and supplemented his diet with large quantities of vitamins and minerals.
Initially, the ulcerated sores showed no signs of improvement. However, he was certain that his healing depended on his positive mental attitude, and on supplying his body with the proper nutrients.
By the end of 1922, the sores began to heal and were being replaced by healthy tissue. His strength and energy also returned. He was alive, his limbs intact and more convinced than ever that his ideas on nutrition were absolutely sound. Healthy cells had defeated carcinogenic cells. He was also more certain than ever that good nutrition could help other people as well.
In 1924, he once again opened a clinic and his formulations for food supplements were packaged and dispensed to patients. In 1929 the clinic burned down. All records were lost. Everything burned except an inspirational book by Elbert Hubbard called Little Journeys. One passage in the book stood out above all others. It read: "When all else is destroyed, only the product of the mind exists."
Shaklee was ordained as a minister in the Church of Christ in Mason City, Iowa. He had previously received his Doctor of Divinity degree and his sermons were widely attended. He was involved as well in ground-breaking research leading, among other things, to the invention of a then-revolutionary form of synthetic rubber. His research activities led to contact with some of the great men of his day, including Thomas Edison and Henry Ford.
Despite his many interests, Shaklee decided to devote his efforts to nutritional research. He focused on building good health rather than treating sick patients. He moved his family to Eugene, Oregon and later to Oakland, California. In addition to ongoing research, Shaklee lectured to capacity crowds and gained two more degrees: Professor of Chiropractic and Doctor of Naturopathy. In 1935 he taught biochemistry at the California Chiropractic College.
In 1943, Dr. Shaklee retired from active practice and in 1945 began writing a series of articles on the mind's influence on an individual's health and well-being. His philosophy and lifelong belief was in the power of nature. Two years later he founded the Shaklee Foundation and had the name of his philosophy, "Thoughtsmanship," copyrighted. He spent much time on the lecture circuit and in 1951 had four volumes on Thoughtsmanship published. The Commonwealth University in Los Angeles awarded him a Doctorate in Philosophy for these works. Many of his popular lectures were broadcast by radio stations in San Francisco and Oakland.
In the fall of 1955, Dr. Shaklee, age 62, told his two sons (Forrest Jr. and Lee) that he wanted to do something that would affect the public's growing interest in nutrition. He wanted to start a business to distribute food supplements. On April 1, 1956, six months later, the Shaklee Corporation opened its doors. At the time, America believed itself to be the best fed nation in the world. Every potential customer would have to be educated before he would become a customer. Dr. Shaklee told his sons, "We'll teach some and they'll teach others." The rest is history.
With research, science, devotion and a lot of hard work, the three Shaklees turned a good idea - the direct selling of health-care and other related products - into a phenomenal success. The company originated and was powered by one man's belief in nature and Thoughtsmanship.
Learn more, hear and see Dr Shaklee on YouTub.  A true visionary and man before his time!

NEW Shaklee Products & FREE Shipping!

I'm so excited to announce Shaklee's NEW protein powder and NEW vitamin strips! They are now called "Shaklee Life plan". The changes and enhancements are amazing! 

Please see the details below & let me know if you have any questions!

Jackie :)

Here is the information about the new products . . . 

Introducing the best, most comprehensive nutritional system in the world...
    Life Plan with Vanilla Shake
    Life Plan... from Shaklee!
Shaklee Life Plan is the result of the foremost scientific research and decades of studies, designed to bring you the essential nutrients for a healthy life. Combining the Shaklee Life Energizing Shake and Shaklee Life-Strip, the plan promotes every aspect of your health-with nutrients clinically proven to help provide the foundation for a longer, healthier life.

Shaklee Life Energizing Shake (30 serving pouch) - available in soy and non-soy formulas

Delicious meal shake designed to:
  • increase energy
  • help you achieve a healthier weight
  • provide digestive and immune support
  • When prepared as directed with 1 cup of nonfat milk*, Life Energizing Shake contains 24 grams of protein, including 16 grams of proprietary, plant-based non-GMO protein with precise ratios of 9 essential amino acids, optimized for high protein quality.
  • NEW! The non-soy Life Shake contains an exclusive blend of non GMO protein from sacha inchi, potato, rice, pea and leucine.
  • Added leucine to help preserve lean muscle and achieve a healthier weight
  • NEW! A powerful combination of prebiotics and one billion CFU of patented probiotics to support digestive and immune health
  • NEW! Omega-3 (ALA), an essential fatty acid that supports heart and brain health
Gluten free, lactose free, low glycemic, kosher, and no artificial flavors,  sweeteners or preservatives
*When prepared in water, Life Shake provides 16 grams of protein.
Shaklee Life Strip - available with and without iron

The Life-Strip delivers pure, potent vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, antioxidants, and phytonutrients to help support optimal health.*
  • NEW! Vivix® Liquigels for Cellular Health; Healthy Aging.Triple patented, all natural blend of a broad spectrum of polyphenols with key ingredients shown in laboratory studies to protect and repair DNA and combat free radicals.
  • NEW! OmegaGuard® Plus for Heart Health; Brain Health.One gram of pure, ultra-concentrated DHA/EPA omega-3 fatty acids, combined with heart-healthy CoQ10 and Vitamin E in an enteric-coated softgel to eliminate fishy aftertaste.
  • Advanced Multivitamin for Complete Nutrition; Bone and Joint Health. Provides over 100% DV of essential vitamins. Dissolves in less than 30 minutes in the stomach and is designed to enhance absorption of folic acid from the patented microcoating.
  • B+C Complex for Immune Health; Energy. Provides over 100% DV of essential vitamins. Dissolves in less than 30 minutes in the stomach and is designed to enhance absorption of folic acid from the patented microcoating.
VIVIX: NOW 30% MORE POWERFUL! Vivix & Vivix Liquigels

Slow cellular aging naturally. Help protect and repair DNA.

Vivix contains a triple patented, all natural blend of diverse polyphenols designed to help neutralize free radicals. Our scientists optimized the combination of different polyphenols to create a NEW, more balanced and powerful formula to protect DNA from oxidative stress and slow the formation of damaging AGE proteins that can lead to cellular aging.  
  • Protect and repair DNA
  • 40% lower rate of telemere shorteningⱡ
  • 13x more powerful than resveratrol alone
Available in NEW Vivix Liquigels... no refrigeration needed!

Where is the 2016 Shaklee Dream Trip?
2016 Shaklee Dream Trip 
2016 Shaklee Dream Trip

ShakleeLive Global Conference 2016!
Orlando FL

Thursday, July 30, 2015

better late than never .... April Newsletter ;)

Good Morning ...Again... ;)

I was doing some housekeeping & realized that I missed sending out the April Newsletter! 
I really love this one! Enjoy...

April Newsletter!
In this issue....

Have an Awesome day & Stay Cool !

July Newsletter!

Good Morning!

Well, it's going to be another 100 degree day here in Portland! I can't remember having this many hot days so many months in a row here in the Portland area.

I hope you are enjoying your summer! We've been busy vacationing, moving & selling our house. So, it has been busy and fun all mixed together ;)!

In this issue....

Have a fantastic day!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Newsletter ~ Allergies!

Summer is right around the corner and I find this a great time to reflect on your health over this past year. Think back to the Fall, Winter and Spring months. How did you fare health wise: How many colds did you suffer from? Did you need any antibiotics? How many "sick or down" days did you have?

Mike and I give our selves each an "A" in the healthy category! I haven't had a cold since the spring of 2011! Mike has averaged 1 a year with no sick days from work! 

The next health wise questionnaire is in regards to how you are feeling about your weight management over the past few years. Mike and I each lost about 20 lbs in the summer/fall season of 2011 and since then have been able to maintain a healthy weight. 

If you would like to improve in either of these categories and are looking for some ideas, please don't hesitate to ask. I am very open to working with you and help you to reach your "healthy goal"!

Enjoy your final Spring days!


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sitting Disease!?!?!

Good Morning and Happy Mother's Day to All Mothers; past, present and expecting!

Mothers must stand up for themselves, their children, their families and now for their Health! We all are being called to stand for Health, learn more in today's newsletter . . . 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Are you looking for a "regime" that fits "YOU"?

Happy almost Valentine's Day! 

So, I'm not sure if you have read the news about supplements. This is exactly what Mike & I wanted to avoid... 
Recent New York Times article regarding popular supplements ...

Now my question is:
Are you looking for a "regime" that fits "YOU" personally & one that you can TRUST? ...

I know Mike & I spent years searching for; the right brand, the right supplement, the right weight management products and the right sports nutrition. We wanted "a sustainable regime" that we could trust and use forever. Finding Shaklee has been a complete lifesavor for us and our family. I haven't been sick in over 3 years! Shaklee's Green cleaners are a bonus! We couldn't be happier and we welcome ALL of your questions. If you aren't sure about "Shaklee" or want to give something a try or want more information, please ask! We Love it!

Then here it is; a customized "regime" that fits YOU!
One for almost anyone, found in this months Newsletter!  

In this issue....
Gift of health
Your health choices
Nutritional checklist
It's so easy!

Oh and a little running update from me...
I ran 64 miles in January - a great start to my 1/3 of the 2,015 miles in 2015!

Have a Happy Valentine's Day!Hugs,

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